Grunden Ranch Morgans

RG Bo Bonanza

RG Bo Bonanza
Bay, 15.1 Hands
White connected faint star, strip, snip and both hind fetlocks
Foaled – May 30, 1981
AMHA #83393
Deceased August 23, 2012

Bo was given to Tammy as a wedding present from dad, Harvey Grunden. Throughout the years, Tammy has broke and trained Bo under saddle in Western and English. Tammy and Bo have successfully shown and won many High-Point and Versatility Awards at Open, Morgan, and State Fairs. Harlan took over Bo in his quest to learn how to drive. The highlight of his driving career was Reserve Champion Double Jeopardy Carriage Driving and placing in every class he was in at the Grand National Morgan Horse Show. Bo has also been our babysitter and teacher for our two children. So as you can see, Bo was Tammy’s horse but was shared by everyone. His sire is the late Rimlo Black Prince. He is enjoying retirement, but at the age of 24 he is occasionally called upon to pull a carriage for a wedding or give a youngster a ride. With all these accomplishments that Bo has achieved, we want to THANK-YOU Dad for this wonderful wedding gift.

Some of Bo’s accomplishments include:

1986 - Wyoming State Fair - Reserve Champion Gelding
1986 - Nebraska State Fair - Reserve Champion Western Pleasure
1990 - Wyoming State Fair - Champion Western Pleasure
1991 - Nebraska State Fair - Versatility Champion
RG Bo Bonanza 1991 - Nebraska State Fair - High Point Horse
1992 - Wyoming State Fair - Champion Western Pleasure
1992 - Wyoming State Fair - Champion English Pleasure
1992 - Nebraska State Fair - Versatility Champion
1993 - Wyoming State Fair - Champion Gelding
1993 - Wyoming State Fair - Champion Western Pleasure
1993 - Nebraska State Fair - Reserve Champion English Pleasure
1993 - Nebraska State Fair - Reserve Champion Pleasure Driving
1994 - Wyoming State Fair - Reserve Champion Gelding
1994 - Wyoming State Fair - Reserve Champion Western Pleasure
1994 - Nebraska State Fair - Reserve High Point Horse
1994 - Grand National Morgan Show - Reserve Champion Double Jeopardy
1995 - Wyoming State Fair - Champion Gelding
1995 - Wyoming State Fair - Reserve Champion English Pleasure
1995 - Wyoming State Fair - Reserve Champion Pleasure Driving
1995 - Nebraska State Fair - Versatility Champion
1995 - Frontier County Fair - High Point Junior Exhibitor
1996 - Frontier County Fair - High Point Junior Exhibitor
1997 - Frontier County Fair - High Point Junior Exhibitor
1998 - Frontier County Fair - High Point Junior Exhibitor
1999 - Nebraska State Fair - Reserve High Point Youth

Rimlo Black Prince
70440 BLK
Rimlo Black Dandy
25366 BLK
Black Jig
9472 BLK
Flyhawk 7562
Blue Roan Mare
Rimlo Miss Dandy
Jubilee's Heyboy 15787
Pendleton De Etta 14854
Lom Sally
23261 BLK
Orcland Bo-Don
15335 BLK
Ulendon 7831
Bonnie of Hillstone 10226
Ketchum 10458
Smokie Brown 7711
Funquest Bellete
Funquest Prophet
The Brown Falcon
Flyhawk 7526
Allan's Fancy L 7224
Barberry 8089
Elberty Lindsey 4811
Funquest Dolly Bell
Chief Red Hawk
Flyhawk 7526
Neliza 4973
Dot S Bell Ann
Leon Silver 10017
Dot S Dolly 7576

RG Bo Bonanza

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Grunden Ranch Morgans
24107 E. Grunden Road
Curtis, Nebraska 69025
Phone - (308)367-4181
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