Grunden Ranch Morgans

GRM Farrah's Spring Rose

"Spring Rose"
Homozygous Black Mare
No White Markings
Foaled - May 5, 2015
AMHA #0190205

With the heavily muscling of both Farrah and Prince, Spring Rose is on her way to follow suit. This solid homozygous black mare has a nice smooth steady gait. She has a gentle outlook on life. Spring Rose is the old type Morgan through and through. Her foals follow mom's and grandma's portrait, which is true Morgan.

RG Rimlo Prince Valiant
154606 BLK
Black Val's Jim
120495 BLK
Rimlo Black Valiant
23109 BLK
Jubilee's -Heyboy 15787 BLK BT
Hillview Jubilee 12050 BLK
Happy Day Kizzy
101966 BLK
Spring Hills Cupid 71151 BLK BT
Three Buttes Nell 23130 CHNT
RG Orcutt Ambrosia
110024 BRWN
Rimlo Black Prince
70440 BLK
Rimlo Black Dandy 25366 BLK BT
Lom Sally 23261 BLK
Orcutt Lass
24421 BAY
Orcland Society Man 16485 CHNT
Funquest Leeza 13137 BAY
A And R Dolly's Farrah
00159712 BLK
DM Regency's Windwalker
149219 BLK
Winhover Regency
31036 BLK
Beamington 16635 BAY
The Black Rose 08703 BLK
Lone Tree Misty Rae
0147225 BAY
Barbejays Arajanado 29551 BLK
Por-Cu-Pine Carey 026142 CHNT
Dolly Ray
0143428 BLK
Black Val's Jim
120495 BLK
Rimlo Black Valiant 23109 BLK
Happy Day Kizzy 0101966 BLK
Ranches A&F Crystal
096163 BLK
Jante Mountain Man 75017 BLK
Delmaytion Ann 022704 CHNT

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Grunden Ranch Morgans
24107 E. Grunden Road
Curtis, Nebraska 69025
Phone - (308)367-4181
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